About Us Our Story
This is our story: We had some ideas and did a lot of testing. I hired chemists and scientists who promised to look at this whole issue a bit differently. I wanted to know why so many adults had acne today. We didn’t want to copy any other products. A really unique product that was affordable was our goal. After a year of research, we started selling Clear & Smooth in October of 1999. To get people to try an unknown product, we did something no one had ever done with skin care products. A NO TIME LIMIT GUARANTEE. We were that confident we had something special. Plus we didn’t want people rushing into this. We decided to open things up and really communicate with our customers. When we failed we admitted it and tried to improve. Our customers helped us find the right combination of ingredients and methods of use. We now consider our customers suggestions and ideas a valuable resource. We keep improving the product. Even though we have a no time limit guarantee, our refund rate runs around 1%. Most tell us our products are life changing. Yet very affordable. People ask me all the time, aren’t you worried some big company will steal your formula? Nope! The big boys have all bought bottles to test. But they don’t get it. What we do cannot be duplicated in a big factory. Let me better explain.
The skin care industry today is a mess. Every skin product produced today is made to have a pretty package and a long shelf life. Even so called all natural ones. A few large factories make all the products today for all the name brands. The ingredients are delivered in railroad tanker cars and are mostly chemicals whose real ingredients are secret. This is why you cannot pronounce most of the ingredients. They paid off politicians to put this loophole in the law. These big companies make millions of bottles at a time. And then store them for years until sold. It’s highly profitable to do it this way. But these long shelf lives, heavy use of acids and the strong preservatives they have to use, means they can’t use the best ingredients to get your skin healthy. We decided to think small. Fresh products with personal service. No big retails chains to tell us what to make. If the customers like it they will come back and tell their friends. We use many of the finest natural raw or virgin ingredients. To put your mind at rest, everything is hand made in fairly small batches(under a thousand bottles at a time). All stainless steel equipment. High tech measurements are used to combined ingredients at specific temperatures precisely at certain intervals. Temperatures range from boiling to below freezing. One mis-step and everything has to be tossed. Making great skin care products is almost a lost art. When Jennifer started her acne was severe. A month after she started, I asked her how it was going. Here is her response.
We make and ship everything fresh. With a one year shelf life. Most of our new business comes by word of mouth.
So why is our product so special? We discovered that the problem with other acne products wasn’t the bacterial control as much as the fillers. And how the products are used. In fact, we believe what you are using, in the long run, is making your own skin worse. How else can it be explained why so many adults have acne today? 40 years ago you never saw adults with acne. The key is getting your skin to a healthier place. Instead of fillers, we use nutritious botanicals. Along with bacterial control, these are nutrients your skin needs to get back to a healthy state.
How is this possible at this price? It wouldn’t be possible except, we manufacture Clear & Smooth and we market it and we ship it and handle ALL your questions(by email). And we know once we get you clear you will continue to reorder and also sample our other skin care products including make up. Of course you can just buy one bottle every 3 or 4 months, that’s up to you. We don’t keep your credit card on file and we don’t have the time to bug you to reorder. And here’s the funny part: Our ingredients actually cost more than that $69 product’s ingredients.